Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Give Loan to ALLAH

Sadaqah 300x225 Give Loan to AllahOne must be thinking what is giving Loan to Allah? Allah the one who is most powerful, who has the keys to all the treasures of world, to Him belong the sky and Earth. Then why does Allah wants loan? It’s because for His slaves. The rich person may help the poor by giving them Sadaqah; Charity. Allah encourages His servants to spend in His cause. Allah says:

“Who is he that will lend to Allah a goodly loan so that He may multiply it to him many times? And it is Allah that decreases or increases (your provisions), and unto Him you shall return.” [Surah al-Baqarah: 245]
Spending in the Allah’s way is called “a beautiful loan”.
When this verse was revealed, Abu Ad-Dahdah Al-Ansari said: `O Allah’s Messenger (P.B.U.H)! Does Allah ask us for a loan?’ The Prophet said,
(Yes, O Abu Ad-Dahdah.)  He said: `Give me your hand, O Allah’s Messenger’ and the Prophet placed his hand in his hand. Abu Ad-Dahdah said, `Verily, I have given my garden as a loan to my Lord.’ He had a garden that contained six hundred date trees; his wife and children were living in that garden too. Abu Ad-Dahdah went to his wife and called her: `Umm Ad-Dahdah!’ She said: `Here I am.’ He said: `Leave the garden, because I have given it as a loan to my Lord, the Exalted and Most Honored.’ She said: `That is a successful trade, O Abu Ad-Dahdah!’ She then transferred her goods and children. The Messenger of Allah said: “How plentiful are the sweet date clusters that Abu Ad-Dahdah has in Paradise!” In another narration, the Prophet said: “How many a date tree that has lowered down its clusters, which are full of pearls and gems in Paradise for Abu Ad-Dahdah!” [Tafsir ibn kathir]

In many verses of Holy Quran, Allah encourages us to spend in His way:
“The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the Way of Allah, is as the likeness of a grain (of corn); it grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains. Allah gives manifold increase to whom He wills. And Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures’ needs, All-Knower.” [Surah al-Baqarah: 261]
“If you lend Allah a goodly loan, He will double it for you, and will forgive you. And Allah is Most Ready to appreciate and to reward, Most Forbearing” [Al-Tagabun (64):17]
“…and lend Allah a goodly loan, it shall be increased manifold (to their credit), and theirs shall be an honorable good reward (i.e. Paradise).” [Al-Hadid (57): 18]
“Who is he that will lend Allah a goodly loan: then (Allah) will increase it manifold to his credit (in repaying), and he will have (besides) a good reward (i.e. Paradise).” [Al-Hadid (57):11]
Benefits of giving handsome Loan to Allah
The amount of charity given as a loan is doubled and multiplied.                  Give Loan to Allah
Forgiveness of sins will be granted by Allah.
Rich and liberal reward will be given by Allah.
Entrance to Paradise will be granted by Allah.
In Paradise, there are rivers running beneath, for those who give the loans.
Allah is Thankful to the person giving the loan.
In other loans there may be a doubt as to the safety of your money or if you will receive it in return, but here you give a loan to the Lord of All; so there is no doubt. Allah is not in need of our help, or our financial support. Allah does not need these loans for Himself but for His Creations in the world.

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