Thursday, September 6, 2012

Importance of learning Holy Quran

quran Importance of learning QuranHow many times have we been told that this life is a test? Like all tests this has a time limit too and criteria as well, plus a course book. Although, it is an open book test, that is you are allowed to peek in the book read the guidelines and apply during your test but still how many of us are actually using the course book ( Holy Quran) or at least went through it once.

The book about which our Prophet (s.a.w) said:
“O people I am leaving behind among you the Holy Book (Quran) and the Sunnah (way of Prophet (SAW)), if you follow these in letter and spirit you will never be strayed.”
And incentives were given too:
“The most superior among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it.”
“Whoever is an expert in reciting the Holy Quran is with the Kiraman Katebeen and whoever reads the Quran with pauses and it is difficult for him, that is, his tongue does not move easily and he recites with difficulty for him there are two rewards.”
According to Bahiqi:
“O People of the Quran, do not make the Quran a pillow, that is do not be lazy and be careless, and read the Quran in the day and night like it is the Haq of Recitation, and spread it, that is, read with good voices or do not take compensation for it, and whatever is in it, reflect upon it so that you may attain success, and do not hurry in its reward because the reward for it is great (which will be given in the Akhirah).”
Still this book is left ignored in our lives. It is time to let go of ignorance and open it. All those things that worries us and we are busy fixing them and are left with no time for Quran. There is one simple answer to it:
Allah says, “Whoever was kept busy with the [recitation] of Quran from my Zikr and asking me, I will give him better than those who I give to those who ask”
It is the best deal, just follow the book and fill your days reading and learning it and Allah will take care of the rest.  Just see how much is promised for those who follow:
“Whoever read the Quran and memorized it and belived its’ Halal to be Halal and its Haram to be Haram [i.e., accepted it commandments of Halal and Haraam], Allah will accept the intercession for such 10 people on from him whom Hell had already become Wajib.” [Hadith]
So let us not ignore this book and deprive ourselves of all these bounties.Lets strengthen our Everlasting Relation with Allah (swt) through this powerful Book

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