Gog Magog is a dangerous kind of creature, created by Allah which will be emerged in the last era of the world and will create the biggest violence ever on the earth, they will start killing the mankind because they will be 10 times more than people in the numbers in all over the world, and finally will be killed by the pray of Jesus (as Jesus will already be descended into the earth).
Zulqarnain was a person who built a great wall between two mountains to protect a nation from Gog Magog. I did not study it much, but this book is very interesting.
CONTENTS of this book
Ansari Memorial SeriesPreface
Introduction by Dr Tamman Adi
Chapter One: The Importance of ‘Signs of the Last Day in the
Modern Age’
Appearance and reality are opposite to each
Can all of these events be occurring by
Responding to Islamic sectarianism
The Shia sect
The Wahhabi sect
Tableegh Jamaat (i.e. Jamā’ah al-Tableegh)
Islamic Modernism
Elitist sectarian Sufism
Chapter Two: Methodology of study
The Qur’ān sits in judgement on the Hadīth
and not vice-versa
Need to locate ‘system of meaning’
Methodology of explaining the Qur’ān
through application and analysis of external
Gog and Magog in other scriptures
Chapter Three: Explaining terminology
The end of the material universe
The end of history
The Key to the subject of the Last Hour
W ‘ad al-Ākhirah (The Last Warning)
Chapter Four: A Profile of Gog and Magog
The Qur’ān introduces the subject of Gog
and Magog
Gog and Magog are human beings
A double-faced people who are capable of
swift motion
Possess extraordinary military power
Use ‘power’ to oppress
Make possible the return of people to their
Absorb mankind into their global godless
melting pot
Can wage ‘star wars’
Would target Arabs in particular for
Would be sent/raised only after Jesus (‘alaihi
al-Salam) has returned and after he has killed
Consume an excessive amount of water
Gog, Magog and the Sea of Galilee
Will take most of mankind into the hellfire
hence they are an essentially godless and
sinful people
Are linked to the abandonment of the Hajj
Chapter Five: Identifying Gog and Magog
Gog is the Anglo-American-sraeli alliance
and Magog is Russia
Winston Churchill identifies Gog and Magog
Chapter Six: Have Gog and Magog been released into the
world as yet?
Search for the barrier
The strange world today
The Judeo-Christian alliance
Hadīth reveals Gog and Magog’s release
Water in the world and in the Sea of Galilee
Hadīth linking Gog and Magog to Jerusalem
Iqbal Ansari and Said Nursi
Chapter Seven: Implications of the Release of Gog and
Stages of Release of Gog and Magog
into the world
Chapter Eight: Conclusion
Size: 1.6 MB
Pages: 231
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