Saturday, February 23, 2013

Use Your Head Tony Buzan's pdf Book free download

Use Your Head Pdf book by tony buzan free download
Download free the Tony Buzan's book "Use Your Head" and increase your intelligence and brain memory. Learn to use your brain talent and discover your intelligence with this book "Use your Head". This is an awesome book for those who think that their brain memory is weak due to which they think that they can not be success in their exams and face problems in their daily life. So read this Book "Use Your Head" and understand much more about how your mind works and how to use it to the best advantage 
The book "Use Your Head" has been translated in 12 different languages and more than 250000 copies of this book are sold in the market. Tony Buzan's book has helped scores of people to understand the true capacity of the human brain and realise and develop many of the abilities that normally lie dormant.
Tony Buzan has written many books brain memory, learning, time management and many like similar. He has also produced TV programs. 

Each chapter deals with a different aspect of your brain's functioning. The contents of this book is below.

Contents of "Use Your  Head" by Tony Buzan

Introduction 9
1 Your mind is better than you think 11
Man's understanding of his own mind
Your two brains
New discoveries
Interconnections of the brain's neurons
Why our performance does not match our potential
IQ. tests - the limitations
The excellence of the brain demonstrated: the human baby
2 Reading more efficiently and faster 25
Reading and learning problems
Reading and learning defined
Why reading problems exist
Misconceptions about reading and speed reading;
how they arise
The eye
Perception during reading and learning
Improvement for the slow reader
Advantages of fast reading
Advanced reading techniques
Metronome training
3 Memory 43
Questions on memory
Recall during a learning period
Recall after a learning period
Review techniques and theory
Review, mental ability and age
Memory systems
The Number-Rhyme system
Key words and concepts in remembering
4 Noting 71
A Keywords 71
Exercise - key words; standard responses
Key words and concepts - creative and recall
Multi-ordinate nature of words
Individual's interpretation of words
Memory - a comparison between standard note
and key word noting
B Mind maps for recall and creative thinking 86
Linear history of speech and print
Contrast: the structure of the brain
Advanced note taking and mapping techniques
C Mind maps - advanced methods and uses 106
Models for the brain
Technology and new insights into ourselves: the hologram as
a model for the brain
Advanced mind map noting
Wider application of mapping techniques
Transforming for speeches and articles
Note taking from lectures
Creative mind maps for meetings
5 The Buzan Organic Study Method 117
A Introduction 117
Problems of 'getting down' to study
Reasons for fear and reluctance when approaching study
Problems arising from the use of standard study techniques
New study techniques
Study planned to suit the individual's needs
B. Preparation 127
The best use of time
Defining the areas and amount of study
Distribution of the student's effort
Noting of current knowledge on the subject being studied
Planning approach to the new subject
Defining reasons for study and goals to be achieved
C. Application 137
Study overview
Summary of the Buzan Organic Study Method
Bibliography 152
Index 154
Size: 3.17 MB
Pages: 156

Download the book Now

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