Sunday, March 3, 2013

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence needs to fire her stylist.  As soon as I saw Jennifer on the red carpet, wearing that elaborate skirt, I knew what was going to happen.  This wonderful, talented young lady has won an Oscar at the age of 22, and all everyone tweeted about last night on the social media was her trip-and-fall.  She fell very badly, and took a long time to get back to her feet and regain her composure.  What should have been one of the most wonderful moments in her life instead became one of the most embarrassing.  Fire your stylist, Jennifer, but keep your agent.

The first time I saw Jennifer Lawrence, she played a poverty-stricken teenager in the Ozarks, in a movie called Winter's Bone.  If you haven't seen it, put it on your must-see list.  Jennifer Lawrence's performance is haunting and brilliant.  Jennifer Lawrence will win another Oscar one day, and I'm sure she won't let her stylist talk her into wearing a treacherous dress resembling a minefield -- an accident waiting to happen.

Congratulations on your success, Ms. Lawrence.  You have earned it.

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